Sunday, August 1, 2010

Iceland - 2010 - First Half

Below are the issues from the first half of 2010 for Iceland:

28-Jan - Icelandic design II - Furniture

A celebration of Icelandic furniture design, from left to right we have: the Hanger Tree (2001), a clothes hanger; the Tango Chair (1999); Dining Room Table (2005) built to accomodate a dining room chair dating back to the 1950s; and, finally, the Sofa Dimon (1999).

28-Jan - Seals I

In a celebration of Seals, Iceland brings us 2 different species found in the northern seas. First is the Harbor seal, the most common species on Icelandic waters, on whose nearshore coastal terrain they bear pups. The Harp seal is a common vagrant in Icelandic waters.

18-Mar - Icelandic Craftmanship II 

A look at some Craftsmanship from Iceland's history. (Starting from the left) The Door of Valbjófsstaoir dates back to the 13th century and is among Iceland's best known relics. Play in leaves (c. 2000) is an artwork by Sigriour Jóna Kristjansdóttir, a master in her field of arts, she is probably the only person in Iceland who knows the ancient method of spoon-carving. Finally, the Judge's Drinking Horn is a key work from the 17th century, depicting events from the Old and New Testament.

18-Mar - Norden by the Sea I

Part of the Nordic country combined set "Top of the World", Iceland illustrates herring factories along the Icelandic coasts. The first factories were erected in Siglufjorour.

18-Mar - The Renovation Trawlers

At the end of the 2nd World War, the government contracted the construction of 40 trawlers in Britain to renovate their fleet. The Ingólfur Arnarson RE 201 was built in 1947 and was the first trawler brought to Iceland, purchased by the Reykjavik Fishing company. 4 different trawlers are represented in this set. Apart from the Ingólfur: Bjarni riddari GK 1, Sólborg ÍS 260, and Harobakur EA 3.

6-May - Garden Parks II

In this beautiful set, 3 different gardens are presented to us. The Jónsgarour is the oldest garden park in the town of Ísafjorour, originally opened in 1922. Hellisgeroi is the official garden of Hafnarfjörour, situated in an area with natural lava surroundings. Skallagrímsgarour is the garden park of the town of Borgarnes, and dates back to the 1930s.

6-May - Europa 2010 - Children's books

For the 2010 Europa theme, Iceland presents us 2 books: “The Fate of the Gods“ and “Good Evening“. The first book, published in 2008, is written by Ingunn Ásdísardóttir and deals with Nordic Mythology told in a manner easy for children to understand. The 2nd book, published in 2005, is written by Áslaug Jónsdóttir and is about a small boy who is left alone at home with his teddy bear.

6-May - The World Expo 2010 in Shanghai

Under the theme "Better City, Better Life", Iceland participates in the World Expo 2010. Iceland's participation has its emphasis on the area of renewable energy.

6-May - Personalized stamps with foreign postage

Personzalized stamps in Iceland started in May 2008 and this year is a milestone because Postphil now offers personalized stamps with foreign postage.

And there we have Iceland's stamps for the first half of 2010. A country in economic turmoil with a burning volcano provides us with some outstanding stamps.

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