Sunday, August 1, 2010

Netherlands - 2010 - First Half

And now to complete the review of the first half of 2010:

12-Jan - Pers. Postzegels (III): Waddenvereniging

9-Feb - 100 jaar Rijksoctrooiwet

9-Mar - 75e Boekenweek

23-Mar - Jubileumpostzegels 2010

29-Mar - Weken van de Kaart

27-Apr - Zomerpostzegels

27-Apr - Vuurtorens

For the time being it is not possible to get a good description of the stamps in English, but I invite you to see the following page with some additional information (only in Dutch):

Unfortunately, TNT's website is only available in Dutch and information on the stamps is scarce even in Dutch!

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