Sunday, August 1, 2010

Norway - 2010 - First Half

Below are the issues from the first half of 2010 for Norway:

2-Jan - Norwegian Art IV

Fourth set of the series, this time depicting a statue of a man drinking, sculpted in bronze by Per Palle Storm, in 1958. Two copies of this statue exist in Norway, one of which in Oslo at the Kronprinsesse Märthas plass.

2-Jan - Wildlife in Norway V

Fifth set of this beautiful Wildlife series. This year Posten provides us with some furry little animals: the European Otter (15 kr), part of the weasel family; the Lemming (16 kr), part of the hamster family; and the Wolverine, the largest member of the weasel family.
This set is accompanied by Maximum Cards of each stamp.

5-Feb - P.A. Munch Bicentenary / Ole Bull Bicentenary

This set celebrates the 200th anniversary of the birth of 2 famous Norwegians: P.A. Munch was Norway's most prominent Historian of the 19th Century, while Ole Bull was renowned worldwide for his Violin skills, composing more than 70 works.

24-Mar - Nordic Countries - Life by the sea

Part of the Nordic country combined set "Top of the World", Norway chose to celebrate in this souvenir sheet Stockfish, a profitable export, through the image of the Cod (Bacalhau).

16-Apr - Personalised stamps

The 2010 Personalised stamps depicts the Heather, voted the National Flower of Norway in a radio poll in 1976. It grows all across Norway, but is most common in moorlands, and is known for being a good honey plant for bees and for being used in folk medicine.

16-Apr - Tourist stamps

This years beautiful Tourist stamps present to us a number of wonderful regions of Norway (starting from left): the Valdesflya route (between Garli and Besstrondsaeter in Oppland); the Gamle Strynefjellsvegen route (between Grotli in Oppland and Videsaeter in Sogn og Fjordane); the Sognefjellet route (between Lom and Gaupne, including a passage at Fantesteinen, 1,434 metres above sea level, the highest mountain pass in Northern Europe); the Trollstigen (Troll Ladder) route in the heart of Romsdalen; The Helgelandskysten nord route (which follows the north coast of Helgeland); and the Lofoten national tourist route (from Fiskebol in A).
This series also includes a beautiful set of Maximum cards.

18-May - Norwegian popularmusic II - Eurovision Song Contest

This set commemorates the Eurovision Song Festival but the most interesting part of this set is that the 4th stamp was voted by the public in collaboration with the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation. The highest voted artist was Jahn Teigen, who had nil points in the 1978 final, and has participated in 16 national finals and with 4 songs in international finals.
The other 3 stamps depict previous winners of the Festival from Norway: Bobbysocks (1985 with "La det swinge"), Secret Garden (1995 with "Nocturne") and Alexander Rybak (2009 with "Fairytale").

18-Jun - Norwegian National Health Association Centenary

Celebrating Norwegian health, the stamp shows us hands that symbolize care, jogging that symbolizes physical activity and a microscope that symbolizes research.

18-Jun - 50th Jazz Festival in Molde

Jazz musician Nils Petter Molvaer is pictured on this stamp that celebrates the 50th edition of the Molde Jazz Festival.

And there we go for Norwegian stamps so far in 2010. A variety of color and themes!

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