Sunday, August 1, 2010

Sweden - 2010 - First Half

Below are the issues from the first half of 2010 for Sweden:

28-Jan - Europa 2010 - Children's Books

Set of 2 stamps based on the Europa 2010 theme of Children's Books, depicting illustrations from two well-known children’s books in Sweden: Lena Anderson's Maja's Alphabet (left) and Elsa Beskow's Children of the Forest (right).
For Postcard lovers, 2 beautiful Postcards were designed based on each stamp.

28-Jan - Cats

For all you cat lovers out there, here is a set celebrating the way those furry animals communicate with us (clock-wise, starting at top-left): "Food is good"; "That's Mine" (how cats love to be kept entertained with playful toys); "I slept well"; and who has never seen them telling you "Don't come too close!"

28-Jan - Swedish Castles & Palaces

A beautiful set of engraved castles and palaces from across Sweden, starting from the top: Vadstena Slott (a Renaissance castle started in the 1500s), Ulriksdals Slott (from the 1600s), Tjoloholms Slott (built by an English businessman in the last decade of the 1800s), Lacko Slott (dates back to the Middle Ages and was owned, along with Ulriksdals Slott, by the same Count during the 1600s) and, finally, Sofiero Slott (built in the 1860s, it was one of the Royal residences).

24-Mar - North by Sea

Part of the Nordic country combined set "Top of the World", Sweden chose for these year's theme sea industries from their western coast.

24-Mar - King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia

Sweden's sovereigns have been shown on stamps since 1885. Each year new stamps are created, in what are called "Definitive stamps".

24-Mar - Party!

The main theme of this issue is the Wedding ceremony, centerpieced by the Ring, the strongest symbol of unification.
For Postcard lovers, this set is accompanied by an equal number of postcards based on the same theme.

13-May - Royal Crown Couple

Crown Princess Victoria and Mr Daniel Westling celebrated their wedding on June 19th, 2010, and in order to celebrate this occasion, Posten issued this beautiful souvenir sheet.

13-May - Pansies

The 2010 Summer Greetings set displays one of Sweden's most common plants, Pansies. This flower is found all over Swedish gardens in a number of different colors.

13-May - Marine Life

A joint issue was made with Canada to celebrate marine animals (clockwise, starting at top-left): Harbor Porpoise (a species of whale, a toothed whale), Sea Otter, Ringed Seal and the Blue Whale (the largest animal on Earth, and with a potential length of over 30 meters).

13-May - Karolinska Institutet Bicentennial

This set honors one of the World's most prominent medical universities, as well as one of its most famous members: Jöns Jacob Berzelius. He is considered to be the father of Swedish chemistry and laid the foundation for the institute’s focus on the natural sciences.

Hope you enjoyed this sample of Swedish stamps!

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