Friday, August 27, 2010

Norway celebrates 50 years of TV August 20th

On August 20th, 1960, Norwegian Television was inaugurated. The first to appear were the Prime Minister at the time, Einar Gerhardsen, followed by King Olav. The opening was completed by a live show from the Opera House in Oslo. Norway was the last European country to have colour TV (1972) and, in 1992, the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK) lost its monopoly.
Foi inaugurada a 20 de Agosto de 1960 a televisão Norueguesa pelo primeiro-ministro na altura, Einar Gerhardsen, seguido de um discurso do Rei Olav. A abertura foi seguida de um espectáculo na Casa da Ópera de Oslo com transmissão em directo. A Noruega foi o último país da Europa a ter televisão a cores (1972) e, em 1992, a televisão estatal (NRK) perdeu o seu monopólio.

Canada celebrates the Colonization of Newfoundland Aug. 17th

Back in 1610, English colonists, led by the prominent Bristol merchant John Guy, arrived in Cupids (then known as Cupers Cove) on the north side of Conception Bay on Newfoundland's Avalon Peninsula. This event marked the start of British overseas expansion and was also one of the earliest European settlements in North America.
This site was discovered in 1995 by William Gilbert of the Baccalieu Trail Heritage Corporation and, since then, 5 early-17th century structures and over 145,000 artifacts have been unearthed.
Canada Post commemorates this historic date with a stamp that depicts a portion of the 17th century map of the region, compiled by John Mason, as well as artifacts that were found, including coins, and glass and rare amber trading beads.
Em 1610, um grupo de colonizadores ingleses, liderados pelo mercador de Bristol John Guy, chegaram a Cupids (conhecido na altura por Enseada de Cupers) a norte da baía de Conception na Península de Avalon na Terra Nova. Este evento marcou o início da expansão ultramarina Britânica e foi um dos primeiros povoamentos europeus na América do Norte.
Este local foi descoberto em 1995 pelo arqueólogo William Gilbert da "Baccalieu Trail Heritage Corporation" (Baccalieu é uma ilha na província da Terra Nova, cujo nome advém da palavra Bacalhau) e desde então, foram descobertas 5 estruturas do século XVII e mais de 145,000 artefactos.
Canada Post comemora esta data histórica com um selo que mostra uma parte do mapa da região no século XVII, feito por John Mason, e ainda alguns artefactos encontrados, nomeadamente, moedas e bijutaria.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

August 10th TNT brings us the 2010 Grenzeloos series

In 2010 the Grenzeloos Nederland series (Vast Netherlands) brings us the former colony Suriname. The 6 stamps of this series depict a number of evidences that demonstrate the link between the 2 nations, including Suriname's exotic fruits and the Dutch influence on architecture in Suriname.
Em 2010, a série Grenzeloos Nederland (Holanda sem Fronteiras) traz-nos a antiga colónia Suriname. Os 6 selos da emissão mostram-nos vários elementos que demonstram a ligação entre estas duas nações, nomeadamente as frutas exóticas do Suriname e a influência Holandesa na arquitectura surinamês.

Iceland's Volcano Eruption - July 22

On March 20th, the Eyjafjallajökull volcano errupted and what nobody knew was that this would cause an enormous ash cloud that led to the closure of most of Europe's airspace for a few days, the highest level of air travel disruption since the 2nd World War. It was during the second phase that started April 14th that resulted in an estimated 250 million cubic metres of ash rising to a height of approximately 9 kilometres, disrupting the area used by air travel.
Postphil commemorates this event with 3 breathtaking stamps with photos of the plume of ash rising to the sky.
A 20 de Março começou a erupção vulcânica em Eyjafjallajökull (Islândia). O que ninguém sabia, naquela altura, nem imaginava, era que esta erupção iria causar o pânico. Gerou uma enorme nuvém vulcânica que iria paralisar o tráfego aéreo na Europa durante alguns dias, sendo o maior distúrbio de tráfego desde a 2ª guerra mundial. Foi a 2ª fase da erupção, que começou a 14 de Abril, que resultou na subida de uma pluma vulcânica estimada em 250 milhões de metros cúbicos para a atmosfera utilizada pelos aviões (a mais de 9 kilómetros).
Postphil comemora este evento com estes 3 selos deslumbrantes com fotos da pluma vulcânica a subir até aos céus.

An imagem we all saw for a few days / Uma imagem que todos vimos durante alguns dias:

Rock Português - 19 Julho

CTT celebrates Portuguese Rock this year with 7 stamps featuring 7 albums from 7 artists 30 years after the start of the radio show "Rock em Stock" (Rock in Stock) on Rádio Comercial:
- Rui Veloso - "Air of Rock" (1980)
- Heróis do Mar - "Heroes of the Sea" (1981)
- GNR - "Psicopátria" (a combination of Psycho and Motherland) (1986)
- UHF - "À Flor da Pele", or "Skin deep" (1981)
- Xutos e Pontapés - "88" (1988)
- Moonspell - "Wolfheart" (1995)
- Souvenir Sheet - Quarteto 111 de José Cid - "A Lenda de El-Rei D. Sebastião" or "The Legend of King Sebastian" (1967)
The selection was made by Luís Filipe Barros who broadcasted the show "Rock em Stock" starting in 1980, one of the shows that pushed Portuguese rock the furthest.
Este ano os CTT celebram o Rock Português com 7 selos destacando 7 albuns de 7 artistas 30 anos depois do lançamento do programa de rádio "Rock em Stock" na Rádio Comercial:

- Rui Veloso - "Ar de Rock" (1980)
- Heróis do Mar - "Heróis do Mar" (1981)
- GNR - "Psicopátria" (1986)
- UHF - "À Flor da Pele" (1981)
- Xutos e Pontapés - "88" (1988)
- Moonspell - "Wolfheart" (1995)
- Souvenir Sheet - Quarteto 111 de José Cid - "A Lenda de El-Rei D. Sebastião" (1967)
A selecção dos albuns foi feita por Luís Filipe Barros, responsável pelo programa Rock em Stock que começou em 1980, um dos programas que mais divulgou o rock feito em Portugal.

Macau World Heritage Site - Largo de Santo António - Julho 15

Since 2005, the Historic City center in the St. Augustine Square has been part of UNESCO World Heritage list. The Square is an important public space, where the Portuguese would gather for social activities in the past, unites a numbers of nearby monuments and buidlings with significant historical, architectural and artistic value: St. Joseph's Seminary, the Dom Pedro V Theatre, the Sir Robert Ho Tung Library and St. Augustine's Church. All monuments are illustrated on the 4 single stamps.
Desde 2005 o centro histórico de Macau faz parte da lista de Património Mundial da UNESCO. O largo é um important espaço público, onde, em tempos, os portugueses se encontravam e conviviam, une vários monumentos e edifícios de significativo valor histórico, arquitectónico e artístico: o Seminário de São José, o Teatro Dom Pedro V, a Biblioteca Sir Robert Ho Tung e a Igreja de Santo Agostinho. Todos esses monumentos estão ilustrados em 4 selos da emissão base.

100 years of Girl Guides in Canada - July 8th

The Girls Guides of Canada - Guides du Canada have been helping girls reach greatness since 1910. In a similar mold as the Boy Scouts, through a wide variety of fun activities and team work, girls are given opportunities to develop valuable life skills, become self-reliant, build friendships, and develop a sense of well-being and self-worth.
Along with 2 young girls, the stamp also includes Badges, a symbol of the fun and sense of achievement that guiding provides girls.
As Girls Guides do Canadá (Escuteiras Femininas) procuram ajudar as raparigas a alcançar o sucesso desde 1910 no Canadá. Tal como nos Escuteiros, através da prática do trabalho em equipa e da vida ao ar livre, procura-se dar oportunidades às jovens de desenvolver qualidades pessoais essenciais, como a fraternidade, lealdade, altruísmo, responsabilidade, respeito e disciplina.
Além de duas jovens, os selos incluem um dos símbolos da Escuteiras, as Insígnias, atribuídas às jovens quando alcançam determinados objectivos.

Celebrating Canadian Football - July 6th

A Commemorative Envelope is being released by Canada Post to celebrate the 100th year of the Saskatchewan Roughriders, a Canadian Football team. The team has had 4 different logos (depicted on the envelope) and has won the championship (called Grey Cup) three times, the last time in 2007.
Canada Post emite este Envelope Comemorativo para celebrar o centenário dos Saskatchewan Roughriders, uma equipa de Futebol (Americano) Canadiano. Ao longo da sua história, a equipa já teve 4 logotipos (illustrados no envelope) e ganhou o campeonato (conhecido com a Taça Grey) 3 vezes, da última vez em 2007.

Art Canada with Prudence Heward - July 2nd

The Montréal-based painter Prudence Heward (1896-1947) is featured in this year's Art Canada series. Prudence, a female landscape painter in an age when little credibility was given to female artists, gained notoriety for her work and studies of strong, serious women set in metaphorical landscapes. Despite living only 51 years, Heward had a great influence on Canadian art, having been a founding member of the Canadian Group of Painters and the Contemporary Arts Society, serving on the executive of the avant-garde Atelier group, and being the most well-recognized and acclaimed member of the famous Montréal-based Beaver Hall Group.
The 2 paintings featured in Canada Post's stamps are At the Theatre (1928) and Rollande (1929).
A pintora nascida em Montréal, Prudence Heward (1896-1947), foi a artista escolhida para a edição deste ano da série Art Canada. Prudence, uma pintora de paisagens numa época em que às mulheres era dada pouca relevância, conseguiu ganhar fama pelo seu trabalho e estudo de mulheres fortes e sérias em ambientes metafóricos. Apesar de só ter vivido 51 anos, Heward teve uma grande influência na arte Canadiana, tendo sido um dos membros fundadores do Canadian Group of Painters e da Contemporary Arts Society e sendo também o membro mais conhecido e premiado do grupo Beaver Hall de Montréal.
As duas pinturas escolhidas pela Canada Post para os selos foram No Teatro  (1928) e Rollande (1929).

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

As Judiarias Portuguesas - 5 Julho

Judiarias, or Jewish Quarters, still exist today in Portugal, namely Belmonte, Castelo de Vide, Lisboa (Alfama) and Porto (Bairro de Monchique). Their origin can be dated back to 586 A.C. around the time the first Jewish temple was destroyed in Jerusalem by the Babylonians. After the forced conversions in 1497 during the Inquisition, the name Judiaria stopped being used but lived in memory until today.
Judiarias ainda existem hoje, nomeadamente em Belmonte, Castelo de Vide, Lisboa (Alfama) e Porto (Bairro de Monchique). A sua origem pode ser traçada até 586 A.C. aquando da destruição do primeiro templo judaico em Jerusalem pelos Babilónios. Após as conversões forçadas de 1497 durante a Inquisição, a palavra Judiaria deixou de ser usada mas persistiu na memória até aos dias de hoje.

Roadside Attractions of Canada - July 5th

After 2009's successful first edition, Canada Post has brought us again another set of landmarks as they continue their cross-Canada road trip towards the Atlantic coast. Instead of focusing on mountains, greenlands, lakes and forests, the eye is on strange landmarks that demonstrate imagination and the spirit of small town Canada.
This year the 4 landmarks are the following:
- In Davidson, Saskatchewan, visitors are always greeted with a giant Coffee Pot which stands at 7.3 metres high, with a capacity to fill nearly 150,000 cups of coffee.
- In Manitoba they found Gladstone's town mascot, the Happy Rock, which greets you with a jolly smile as you enter the town.
- In Ontario, just outside Wawa (means "wild goose" in Ojibwe), the giant steel Wawa Goose stands tall poised for flight. The town is a regular stopover for flocks of Canada Geese heading south for the winter.
- In Québec, at the town of Longue-Pointe-de-Mingan, is another winged creature, the giant Atlantic Puffin
Após o sucesso da 1ª edição de 2009, Canada Post continua a sua viagem pelo Canadá até à costa Atlântica. Em vez de salientar as montanhas, campos, lagos e florestas, foca-se em monumentos carismáticos que demonstram imaginação e o espírito das pequenas cidades.
Este ano, os 4 monumentos são os seguintes:
- Em Davidson, Saskatchewan, os visitantes são recebidos por uma Cafeteira gigante de 7.3 metros, com capacidade para encher quase 150.000 chavenas de café.
- Em Manitoba encontram a mascote Pedra Feliz (Happy Rock) da povoação Gladstone, que recebe todos os visitantes com um grande sorriso.
- Em Ontário, próximo da cidade de Wawa (significa "ganso selvagem" em Ojibwe, uma língua índia), o gigante Ganso Wawa de ferro avisa os visitantes que a região é uma zona de passagem frequente de Gansos Canadianos que se deslocam para sul para passar o Inverno.
- Em Québec, na cidade de Longue-Pointe-de-Mingan, está outra criatura com asas, o Papagaio-do-Mar do Atlântico.

Mar dos Açores - Os Invertebrados Marinhos - 1 Julho

On July 1st, the CTT issued this sea lovers set of Invertebrates that live along the coast of the Azores Islands. On the 4 single stamps, and the 2 souvenir sheets, we have the following species:
- hermit crab (€0,32) -
- sea anemones (€0,68) - a predatory animal that live at the bottom of the sea and use their tentacles to capture food
- star fish (€0,80)
- spirographis (€2,00 stamp) - an annelid species (ringed worms)
- sea urchins (1st sheet)
- red rock crab (2nd sheet)
A 1 de Julho, os CTT emitiram mais uma série para os amantes dos mares, desta vez os Invertebrados Marinhos dos Açores. Nos 4 selos e 2 blocos, são-nos apresentadas as seguintes espécies:
- Caranguejo Eremita (€0,32),
- Anémona de bagas (€0,68) - predadores que vivem no fundo do mar e que usam os seus tentáculos para capturar comida
- estrela-do-mar (€0,80)
- espirógrafo (selo de €2,00) - género de analídeos poliquetas, sedentários
- ouriço-de-espinhos-curtos (bloco 1)
- caranguejo-fidalgo (bloco 2)

The Tour de France and Kids are celebrated by TNT July 1st

Two issues were made by TNT on July 1st, so let's have a look.
Duas emissões saíram a 1 de Julho na Holanda. Vamos conhecê-las.

Tour de France
This year the Tour de France started in the Netherlands, on July 3rd, in Rotterdam for the Prologue. Stage 1 also started in Rotterdam, as the Tour headed out of the Netherlands towards Brussels, Belgium.
The Tour has visited the Netherlands 4 other times, the last being back in 1996, when the race started in 's-Hertogenbosch
Este ano o Tour de France começou na Holanda, a 3 de Julho, em Roterdão com o Prólogo. A 1ª etapa também começou em Roterdão, e seguiu caminho até Bruxelas na Bélgica.
O Tour já visitou a Holanda 4 vezes no passado, sendo 1996 a última delas, quando a corrida começou em 's-Hertogenbosch.

Postzegels (IV) - Kinderen der Zee
In the other set issued on July 1st, TNT celebrates Jozef Israëls' Children of the Sea painting from 1872. Jozef (1824-1911) was considered the most respected Dutch artist of the second half of the 19th century and was influenced by the Hague School, along with Vincent van Gogh.
The painting "Kinderen der Zee" is currently housed at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. You can see the full painting below.
The stamp sheetlet has at the bottom the text "De vier jaargetijden" which means "The Four Seasons".
Na outra emissão de 1 de Julho, TNT celebra a obra "Crianças do Mar" (1872) de Jozef Israëls. Jozef (1824-1911) foi considerado o artista holandês mais respeitado da 2ª metade do século XIX e foi muito influenciado pela Escola de Haia, tal como Vincent van Gogh. 
A obra "Kinderen der Zee" está em exposição no Rijksmuseum em Amsterdão. Podem ver a obra no seu todo abaixo.
A folha miniatura tem no fundo o texto "De vier jaargetijden" que significa "As 4 estações".

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Canada - 2010 - Second Quarter

The second quarter for Canada is the last of my catch-up posts for 2010. So lets look at the Canadian stamps from the period April-June.

14 April - Canada-Israel, 60 years of friendship
A beautiful joint issue with Israel, this set illustrates the Maple Leaf together with Israel's Star of David via the shapes of human figures. These figures come together to meet in the middle, symbolizing and celebrating the 2 nation's 60 years of diplomatic relations.
This issue also includes a joint FDC with the stamps of both countries as well as cancellations from both countries.

19 April - The Four Indian Kings
In order to comemorate Canada Post's involvement in the London stamp exhibition, this series has been issued to celebrate the 300th anniversary of four portraits that function as a record of early cultural and political diplomacy between the First Nations and the British Empire. In 1710, a delegation of tribal kings, 3 from the Iroquois and 1 from the Algonquins, travelled to London together with colonial leaders and were received by Queen Anne. The alliance of these 2 peoples against the French brought about this memorable visit.

4 May - Canadian Navy: 1910-2010
A combination of the past and present help celebrate the 100th year of the Canadian Navy. The Navy grew to be one of the world's greatest naval forces at the end of the 2nd World War withou roughly 100,000 men and women, and a fleet of 365 warships.

13 May - Marine Life: Sea Otter & Harbour Porpoise
In the 2nd joint issue of 2010, Sweden and Canada combine to celebrate 2 intriguing sea creatures.

22 May - Canadian Geographic's Wildlife Photography of the Year
In 2009, Canadian Geographic, in partnership with the Canadian Museum of Nature, opened a competition in 5 categories for their second Wildlife Photography of the Year contest. The winning snapshots were not only published in the magazine and shown in the Museum, but presented on this amazing stamp set. Over 6,400 submissions were made in the contest.

18 June - Rotary International in Canada, 100th Anniversary
The Rotary Club was founded in the United States in 1905. Five years later it made its way to Canada in Winnipeg, at the hands of P.A.C. McIntyre, also the first officially chartered club outside of the U.S. Today there over 33,000 clubs and over 1.2 million members.
The main objective of Rotary clubs is to bring together business and professional leaders to provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards, and help build goodwill and peace.

And that brings to an end our review of the first half of 2010. Hope you enjoyed. 

From now I will be posting about all new issues (since we're already in August, I will take a look back to July first of all and make my way to the end of the year). I will also be posting in English and Portuguese for my own practice but also to spread the word in the country I live in.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Canada - 2010 - First Quarter

Next, let's catch-up with Canada's first half, starting with the first quarter. An abundance of beautiful stamps for you to set your sights on.

8 January - Lunar New Year: Year of the Tiger
This is the 2nd release of the 12 year Lunar cycle. A Chinese seal, a stamp used as a form of signature, is featured on the souvenir sheet stamp, while its imprint, portraying the tiger in a traditionally stylized manner, appears on the normal domestic stamp.

10 January - Le Devoir Commemorative Envelope
Canada Post celebrates the 100th year of the "Le Devoir" newspaper from Montréal with this commemorative envelope. This newspaper has long strived to be free of any particular ideology or politic, advocating public ethics, social progress and the rights and freedoms of everyday citizens.

11 January - Flag over Historic Mills (definitives)
Mills have been a cornerstone of Canada's social and economic development for over 200 years. Long before grain milling technologies were developed, mills were the one form people had to reduce the amount of work necessary to grind wheat.
The 5 historic mills featured in the series are: Watson's Mill (Manotick, Ontario), the Keremeos Grist Mill (Keremeos, BC), the Old Stone Mill National Historic Site (Delta, Ontario), the Riordon Grist Mill (Caraquet, New Brunswick), and Cornell Mill (Stanbridge East, Quebec).
The set also includes wonderful Postcards with images of the same Mills.

11 January - Flowers (definitives)
This is the 5th issue of the Flowers series, and features 4 Orchids. Throughout history, Orchids have occupied  a fascinating place: virility to the ancient Greeks, "the plant of the King's fragrance" for the Chinese, and used in love potions during the Middle Ages.
More than 60 species exist across Canada, of which the following 4 are featured: Striped Coralroot (domestic stamp), Giant Helleborine (US race), Rose Pogonia (international stamp), and Grass Pink (oversized mail).
The series is available in booklet self-adhesive stamps and in a souvenir sheet (pictured above).

11 January - Queen Elizabeth II (definitive)
Every year Canada Post issues a new definitive stamp of the Queen, this time a photo of her most recent visit to Canada.

12 January - Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games
In order to celebrate the Olympic Winter Games, this series depicts photos representing the Vancouver Sea-to-Sky theme, a concept that links the scenic coastal city with Whistler's ski slopes. This theme is extended on to the souvenir sheet, where the stamps are positioned between a totem pole, grounded in the land, and an orca whale in the sea. The photo is set against a photograph of an inukshuk, located at the peak of Whistler Mountain.

1 February - William Hall V.C.
In this year's commemoration of Black History Month, Canada Post distinguishing seafarer William Hall, who was awarded the Victoria Cross in 1859 for outstanding bravery, the first black person, the first Nova Scotian, and the first Canadian sailor to receive such an honor. In 1857 Hall had volunteered to accompany a relief force to India to help a besieged British Garrison, and was the last one left standing in support of the Garrison after a fierce battle.

8 February - The Right Honourable Romeo LeBlanc
A tribute to a former Governor General whose pride in his nation led to a long and distinguished career in public service. He started out as Press Secretary for Prime Ministers Lester B. Pearson and Pierre Trudeau, and went on to other Government positions during Trudeau's prime ministry, eventually joining the Senate in 1984, and becoming in 1995, the first Acadian Governor General of Canada.

14 February - Canada Strikes Gold
In honour of Canada's brilliant performance at the Olympic games, Canada Post celebrates this, and Canada's first-ever gold medal victory on Canadian soil, with a stunning stamp showcases an Olympic Gold Medal from the Vancouver games. The stamp was held in secrecy until the last moment since it was dependent on Canada winning a Gold medal, which in no case is guaranteed.

22 February - Celebrating our Olympic Spirit
With the Olympic Games in full flight, this stamp set was issued to honour Canadian pride and the celebration of the spirit of the Olympics. With 2 excited fans on each end, we have in the background 4 different events: men's 4-man bobsleigh, women's cross-country sprint, men's short track relay speed skating, and Canadian cross-country skier Chandra Crawford accepting her gold medal at the 2006 Torino Olympic Games.

3 March - African Violets
To celebrate the end of winter and the coming of spring, Canada Post presents us with 2 Canadian African Violet hybrids. Famous for its vivid blue-to-violet blossoms and velvety heart-shaped leaves, the African Violet survives year-round in the warmth of centrally-heated homes and under artificial light sources.
The flower was first discovered in East Africa's Usambara Mountains in 1892, and was gradually spread across Europe, eventually making its way to Canada.

The stunning sets from the first quarter of 2010 have plenty to offer to all sorts of collectors.